Primary Listing of TokenRepublic(TRG) on Goblinswap
Dear Goblinswap users:
Goblinswap is going to list TRG and launch TRG-NULS liquidity mining. Increase the liquidity of TRG-NULS to obtain GLP, which can be pledged to the mining pool to participate in mining and harvest TRG income.
Start Time:2021.1.20 18:00 (UTC+8)
About TRG:
To celebrate the primary listing of TRG on Goblinswap, Goblinswap and TokenRepublic have jointly launched a series of giveaway events for users!
Event 1 Follow our official media and fill the form <> to get 50 TRG, each wallet address is limited to one. Goblinswap Twitter : TRG Twitter :
Event 2 1. After the opening of the liquidity pool, the first 200 who add TRG-NULS liquidity with no less than 1000TRG will get 100 TRG. 2. Start Time: January 20, 18:00(UTC+8)
Event 3 1. We will take a snapshot of both TRG-NULS and Goblin-NULS Liquidity Pool at a random time between 11:00 PM on January 28, and 11:00 PM on February 1 (UTC+8). 2. Users who stake more than 2000 TRG at the time can be rewarded by 200 TRG. 3. Users who stake more than 500 Goblin at the time can be rewarded by 200 TRG.
For the users who meet the requirements, we will airdrop the rewards within 48 hours.
About Goblinswap:
Official Website: NFT real-time data: Wallet Address: The Latest version of tutorial:
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