Patch Notes



  1. Second phase of VIBK/NULS opened

  2. The maximum NFT per user can hold increaced to 15

  3. Adding Tungsten/Goblin GLP Pool to mine Platinum, which can dispatch three NFT

  4. Adding Platinum/Goblin GLP Pool to mine Obsidian, which can dispatch three NFT

  5. Adding Obsidian/Goblin GLP Pool to mine Cobalt, which can dispatch three NFT

  6. Adding Cobalt/Goblin GLP Pool to mine Titanium, which can dispatch three NFT


  1. Token exchange added: BCN, TRG

  2. Liquidity added: BCN/NULS, TRG/NULS

  3. Liquidity pool added: BCN/NULS, TRG/NULS GLP pool

  4. Fixed bug where NFT could not be displayed without NULS


  1. Fifth phase of Goblin/NULS opened

  2. Second phase of EHT/NULS opened

  3. Store starts selling ViBook exclusive NFT

  4. Rename Potion added in Jungle Adventure

  5. The max number of NFT can be dispatched in Goblin and BlackIron liquidity mining increases to 3


  1. Optimize Banner Adaptation

  2. Optimize NFT information display error

  3. Optimize the finalised pool classification

  4. Optimized the displaying error of LCC Mine Pool icon


  1. Optimize the account entry interface of English version

  2. Optimize the interface information of finished pool

  3. Optimized the sorting of NFT in "Goblin Legion"

  4. Optimize home page structure including navigation bar and bottom navigation

  5. New official website banner, including multi-picture circulation, click jump function

  6. Goblin exchange BlackIron added, token management list and liquidity added: Goblin/BlackIron

  7. Operation staff get access to airdrop rewards


  1. Store start selling Bitmart exclusive NFT

  2. Added exchange icon to store interface

  3. Added mobile phone adapters

  4. Optimization of background image issues

  5. Transaction fee of SWAP increased by 0.05% for community construction (Vibook contract)

  6. Token exchange added: Vibook

  7. liquidity added: Vibook/NULS

  8. Liquidity pool increase: Vibook/NULS GLP pool


  1. Use Goblin/NULS LP to mine Goblin and BlackIron

  2. The second phase of mine opening

  3. LCC Phase Two opened

  4. My Legion UI optimized

  5. Fix that NFT image label pictures are seriously compressed


  1. Token exchange added: EHT

  2. liquidity Added: EHT/NULS

  3. Liquidity pool increase: EHT/NULS GLP pool

  4. New EHT image in store.

  5. Jungle Adventure launched.


  1. Goblin /NULS Phase Three starts

  2. New LCC image in store.

  3. White Paper Update

  4. NFT contract split

  5. Page boot prompts optimized


  1. Website optimization: Automatic cache cleaning; image size and load speed optimization.

  2. APY display optimized

  3. Input box suggestive text optimized

  4. Fix the error message


  1. Token exchange added: LCC

  2. liquidity Added: LCC/NULS

  3. Liquidity pool increase: LCC/NULS GLP pool


  1. Added NFT store.

  2. Optimize the site.


  1. Add gameplay of NFT, mine.

  2. NFT can be upgraded by consuming ores.

  3. Goblin /NULS Phase Two starts.

  4. Added wallet display in the top right corner.

  5. Optimize the site.


  1. Add DATT/NULS GLP pool, but not open yet.

  2. Goblin Legion NFT can be "Dispatched" or "Back"

  3. Add "About" in the right up corner of website, the entry of White Paper and Patch Notes.

  4. Fixed bug with 'Estimated Gas Exception {} to call contract transaction' popping up when not logged in to wallet

  5. Fixed language error on NFT page

  6. Fixed "Failed to view specific data of added liquidity in pool"

  7. Fixed "display error in percentage in pool share"


  1. Mining begins

  2. White Paper 1.0

Last updated