Goblinswap will soon launch Vibook-NULS liquidity mining!

Dear user:

Goblinswap will list Vibook soon and launch Vibook-NULS liquidity mining. Increase the liquidity of Vibook-NULS to obtain GLP, which can be used to pledge GLP to the mining pool to participate in mining and harvest Vibook income.

Start time: 2020/12/25 16:00 (UTC + 8) End time: 2021/01/24 16:00 (UTC + 8)

Goblin Store will also launch Vibook exclusive Goblin Legion (NFT)!

Thanks for your support! Goblinswap

Official Website:http://v2.goblinswap.org/#/ NFT real-time data:https://bot.nuls.gold/?type=Goblin Wallet Address:https://wallet.nuls.io/

Last updated

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