Goblinswap will soon launch EHT-NULS liquidity mining!
Dear user:
Goblinswap will list EHT soon and launch EHT-NULS liquidity mining. Increase the liquidity of EHT-NULS to obtain GLP, which can be used to pledge GLP to the mining pool to participate in mining and harvest EHT income.
Start time: 2020/12/11 12:00 (UTC + 8) End time: 2012/1/10 12:00 (UTC + 8)
The store will also launch the EHT exclusive Goblin Legion character (NFT) at 12:00 (UTC+8) on December 11, 2020.
About EHT:https://pocm.nuls.io/pocm/Projects/ProjectsInfo?releaseId=47
About Goblinswap:
Official website: https://v2.goblinswap.org/#/
Wallet address: https://wallet.nuls.io/
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