Goblinswap will soon open LCC-NULS liquidity mining!
Dear users:
Goblinswap will list LCC and open LCC-NULS mining pool. Providing the liquidity of LCC-NULS to obtain GLP, which can be staked in the mining pool.
Estimated open time: 22:00, November 20, 2020 (UTC+8)
Estimated end time: 22:00, December 10, 2020 (UTC+8)
Activity 1:
Users in the official community can transfer relevant event posters to twitter, instagram and so on. Then contact the official admin(@JACK_CACA) of the community to receive 30LCC rewards. Each person can only receive once. The number of participants in the first phase of the event is 1,000, first-come, first-served, and rewards will be distributed by airdrop.
Activity 2:
During the the liquidity mining pool open period, users who add the LCC-NULS liquidity and maintain more than 1,000 LCC will receive a reward of 200 LCC after the event ends, and the reward will be issued in the form of airdrop.
Activity 3:
The platform will periodically take snapshot of addresses with 500Goblin holdings (including the liquidity pool) or above. Addresses with 500Goblin holdings will receive LCC incentives 24 hours after the snapshot. With unlimited activity time, the total amount of this award is 10% of the TOTAL LCC amount, namely 210W; and the award will be issued in the form of airdrop until it is issued.
*We will continue to take snapshots regularly until the 2.1 million LCC prize pool has been released.
*The snapshot time and the specific amount of the LCC reward will be announced later, so stay tuned.
Official website: http://v2.goblinswap.org/#/
Telegram: https://t.me/Goblinswap_Official
NFT real-time data: https://bot.nuls.gold/?type=Goblin
Last updated
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